How a Sedation Dentist in Pasadena Can Help You to Get the Care You Need

March 21, 2019

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 9:25 pm

Modern dentistry is able to treat a wider array of oral health problems than ever before. Unfortunately, some people put off getting the care they need due to fears about the treatment process. If that sounds like you, then we have good news. Your sedation dentist in Pasadena can make the experience as simple as taking a nap and waking up with a better smile. Sedation dentistry is gentle, safe, and effective.

Answers to Your Questions about Sedation Dentistry

It’s only natural that patients have questions about how sedation dentistry works. Here are answers to some of the most common concerns:

  • How does the sedation process work: in the vast majority of cases, sedation dentistry is achieved using either nitrous oxide (“laughing gas”) by itself or along with an oral sedative. Rarely, the extent of a dental procedure calls for the use of general anesthesia. In such cases, a trained anesthesiologist is on hand at all times.
  • Does sedation dentistry have any side effects: in the case of nitrous oxide, the effects of the gas wear off almost immediately. When oral or general anesthetics are used, the patient will need someone to drive him or her home afterwards. Also, the patient may feel a little groggy for a day or two afterward.
  • Is sedation dentistry safe: In fact, you’re far safer when you’re sedated and in the care of your dentist then when you’re driving a car or standing outside in a spring shower. This is true no matter what type of anesthesia the dentist uses.
  • Will I gag while under sedation: one of the greatest benefits of sedation dentistry is that it suppresses the gag reflex. This is a major advantage for patients who struggle with this problem during a routine dental visit.
  • Will I be asleep: probably not, unless you receive general anesthesia. The purpose of standard dental sedation is to induce a deep state of relaxation, not to make you sleep. However, some patients do drift off into a gentle sleeping state during the process.
  • Is sedation like hypnosis: not quite. The medication most commonly used for oral sedation is called triazolam, which is classed by the FDA as a hypnotic sedative. However, the state it induces is much closer to the way you feel just before you go to sleep every evening – drowsy, extremely relaxed, but not hypnotized.

Benefits of Sedation Dentistry

We’ve already mentioned the freedom from anxiety that sedation dentistry offers. Here are some of the other advantages of this form of treatment:

  • Time goes by faster: sometimes a dental appointment can feel like hours. Sedation greatly reduces this perception, so that even an extended procedure may only seem to take minutes.
  • No memory of the events: for many people, the biggest drawback to seeing the dentist is the memory of the treatment itself. Sedation gently induces a state of amnesia, overcoming this problem. This is especially the case when oral sedatives are used.
  • Better post-treatment results: dental sedation allows the dentist to work in a focused, uninterrupted manner. In many cases, this leads to improved results for the patient.

 Talk to your dentist in Pasadena about the advantages of sedation dentistry during your upcoming consultation. You’ll soon receive the treatment you need, free of the anxiety you can do without.

About the Author

Dr. Erica Revel has been a dental professional for more than 20 years. She earned her DDS degree from the University of Texas Dental Branch at Houston and stays on top of her profession through ongoing research and training. You can reach her office online or by calling (713) 946-5171.

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