How Your Dentist Can Give You a Leg Up This Valentine’s Day

February 7, 2023

Filed under: Uncategorized — pasadenafamily @ 8:05 pm

This Valentine’s Day, you’re going to want to make the best impression possible. That means doing your hair and dressing well, but there’s one more thing that you ought to consider: your oral health!

One study from found that the number one thing that people look for in a romantic partner is a great smile. Another survey by Dentavox found that 68% of people have decided not to date someone because of their teeth. If you want to flash a smile that’ll make the best impression possible, here are some things that you can try.

Sugar-Free Gum

There’s always a little bit of a bind when it comes to dinner dates—you want to eat something good, but you don’t want your breath to smell after. You also don’t want to have to break away to brush your teeth in the middle of a conversation. In a situation like that, a little bit of mint sugar-free gum can potentially freshen you up a little bit.

Gum also picks food out of your teeth, and stimulates saliva that can wash it away, meaning that it can potentially help you stave off gum disease. Still, it’s probably best to avoid garlic—there’s only so much gum can do!

Doing Your Twice-a-Days

Of course, the most basic thing you can do is also the most important: keep up with your dental hygiene. Brushing and flossing really well before your date is obviously a good idea, but you should also make an effort to have a good foundation of dental health. After all, you can’t cure gum disease with a single brushing session.

Brush twice a day, floss daily, and use an antibacterial mouthwash to keep your oral health in good shape. You should also make it a point to see your dentist biannually so that they can check for oral health problems. Speaking of…

Dentist Deep Cleaning

There are places in your mouth that you won’t be able to reach with brushing alone. Plaque can build up in those spots, contributing to bad breath and tooth decay. That’s why it’s so important to see your dentist often for routine cleaning. With Valentine’s Day coming up, there’s no better time to make an appointment!

About Our Author

Far too many people treat going to the dentist like a dreaded obligation. At Pasadena Family Dentistry, we believe that all of our patients ought to feel comfortable, cared for, and respected. Our wonderful dental team and incredibly qualified dentists work hard to ensure that our patients feel that way while receiving the highest quality of care possible.

If you have any questions about how good oral health can help you make an impression, we can be reached at our website or by phone at (713) 946-5171.

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