Is Gum Recontouring Right for Me?

August 2, 2020

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 8:55 pm

Did you know a beautiful smile relies on more than just your teeth? Your gum line is equally important. Not only does your gum tissue help protect them, but it also makes your teeth look proportionate and even. Unfortunately, not everyone has an attractive gum line. Whether too much tissue is covering your teeth, or you have periodontal disease, your dentist can enhance your smile with gum recontouring. The treatment offers both therapeutic and medical benefits, allowing you to achieve the healthy, beautiful smile you deserve.

What is Gum Recontouring?

Gum recontouring is a minor surgical procedure that uses a soft tissue laser to reshape the gingival tissue, such as when resolving a gummy smile. Since the laser also sterilizes and cauterizes as it cuts, it’s also a suitable option for periodontal therapy. Depending on your individual needs, gum recontouring can be used for:

Cosmetic Gum Procedures

If you’ve been told you have a “gummy smile,” you can benefit from cosmetic gum recontouring. The treatment removes excess gum tissue to reveal more of the surfaces of your teeth. This is an effective solution to make smaller than average teeth appear larger. In some cases, cosmetic gum recontouring is used along with other procedures, like porcelain veneers.

Periodontal Gum Contouring

Cavities and tooth loss can lead to an unattractive gum line, but gum disease can be equally damaging. In some cases, the tissue can pull away from the teeth, leaving the roots exposed and vulnerable. Periodontal gum contouring can kill the infection and reshape the tissue to restore an attractive, healthy gum line. This also encourages the tissue to reattach to the teeth to prevent the infection from reoccurring.

How Does Gum Recontouring Work?

After an initial consultation with your dentist, you’re scheduled for your procedure. In some cases, they may apply a local anesthetic to minimize any discomfort; however, it often isn’t necessary. Your dentist uses the pinpoint accuracy of the laser to remove and redefine the tissue, so there isn’t any need for a scalpel. The laser cauterizes the tissue while it cuts, reducing the risk of bleeding and inflammation. You won’t even need any sutures.

After the treatment, it’s normal for your gums to be a bit tender for a few days. It’s best to avoid anything that may irritate the healing tissue, like acidic or crunchy foods. You’ll also need to commit to your oral hygiene to maintain your dental health.

Improve Your Smile Today

Laser gum recontouring offers more accurate results with fewer risk of complications. You can achieve the healthy, beautiful smile you deserve using the latest dental technologies. If you’re ready to invest in a more pleasing smile, ask your dentist if you’re a candidate for gum recontouring.

About Pasadena Family Dentistry

Pasadena Family Dentistry combines the qualifications of our team of dentists with the latest technological advancements, like laser dentistry. We offer several soft tissue laser treatments to provide accurate and less invasive options. If you’re ready to improve your smile, contact our office today to schedule your consultation for gum recontouring.

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