Healthy Holiday Party Tips from Your Dentist in Pasadena

December 3, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 5:32 pm

Now that the holidays are here, your calendar is sure to be occupied with family, friends, work parties, and events filled with holiday cheer and yummy treats. You may already be watching your waistline during this season of sugar, but you may not have thought about how to take care of your teeth. Thankfully, your dentist in Pasadena has some healthy holiday tips you can use to keep your oral health in tip top shape while still enjoying all the festivities this season has to offer.


Trust Teeth Whitening in Pasadena from a Professional!

December 2, 2018

Filed under: Uncategorized — tntadmin @ 9:25 pm

With the new year approaching, you might feel more pressure than ever to start fresh—even when it comes to your smile. There’s a lot of temptation online that may try to coax patients to “quickly” whiten their teeth at home with activated charcoal. Rather than risking your oral health, learn how to safely brighten your smile with the help of your dentist and professional teeth whitening in Pasadena.
