Sedation Dentistry from Pasadena Family Dentistry will Help You Overcome Dental Phobia

November 13, 2014

Another year is about to close and you still haven’t gone to the dentist. Tell the truth… Are you a bit fearful of dentists? Well then, before 2014 ends, call the office of Pasadena Family Dentistry in Pasadena, TX, and schedule that overdue appointment. Dr. Kimber Holmes and Dr. Erica Revel are experts in sedation dentistry, so you can relax while your dental work is completed.

Whether you need a routine dental checkup or a more involved procedure such as a filling, root canal or crown, there is a sedation process that is appropriate for you. At Pasadena Family Dentistry, our dentists and their caring staff will make sure you are completely comfortable in the dentist’s chair.

Nitrous Oxide                                                     

Drs. Holmes and Revel use two types of sedation to relax patients. They can be used separately or in coordination with one another. The first is nitrous oxide, or what is more commonly called laughing gas. A small mask will be placed over your nose for you to inhale a measured dose of this gas and oxygen. Almost immediately you will begin to feel relaxed and have an overall sense of wellbeing. The gas is administered throughout your procedure. Once the mask is removed, the effects of the gas disappear very quickly. So, you’ll be able to drive and go about your day as usual.

Oral Conscious Sedation

For patients with a greater fear of dentistry, there is oral conscious sedation. Dr. Holmes or Dr. Revel will prescribe an anti-anxiety medication for you to take about two hours before your appointment. In this case, you will need a friend or family member to drive you to and from your appointment. By the time you arrive, you will likely feel calm, but if you are still a bit anxious, then nitrous oxide can be used to further relax you. Our skilled sedation dentistry team will monitor your vital signs throughout your procedure, and in what to you will seem like a few minutes—even if your treatment takes a number of hours—you’ll be on your way.

Schedule an Appointment Today

If you’ve let too much time pass since your last visit to the dentist, call the office of Pasadena Family Dentistry to learn more about sedation dentistry. Dr. Holmes and Dr. Revel serve patients in Pasadena, TX, as well as the surrounding communities of South Houston, La Porte, Deer Park, Channelview, ClearLake, and beyond.