You’re a Good Candidate for Porcelain Veneers in Pasadena

August 30, 2016

Filed under: Cosmetic Dentistry — tntadmin @ 2:40 pm

What’s the secret behind a Hollywood smile? Probably porcelain veneers. Tom Cruise is just one famous smile that’s been transformed using the cosmetic solution. (Wondering what he’s up to these days? Flying his private gym in a private jet, apparently). But veneers aren’t just for Hollywood smiles — they’re for those of us who drive our regular cars to the local gym, too. In fact, the team at Pasadena Family Dentistry wants you to know that the treatment can remake just about anyone’s smile. Interested? Keep reading to learn more about porcelain veneers in Pasadena.

Cover It Up With Porcelain Veneers

The idea behind porcelain veneers is simple. Dental imperfections? Let’s just… cover them up. Porcelain veneers are thin coverings that are affixed to the surface of the teeth that show when you smile. They’re made up of multiple sheets of dental porcelain, a material that looks, acts, and feels just like natural tooth enamel. One of the only differences is that porcelain doesn’t stain at the same rate as your natural teeth, so your smile stays bright white from day one of the veneer application.

From chips and cracks to stains, minor misalignments, and misshapen teeth, dental veneers can hide just about any cosmetic imperfection. People with problems affecting the form and function of a tooth, however, may best be served by a dental crown. Crowns are a restorative treatment that are used for decayed, worn, or broken teeth. Your dentist can help you understand which is best for your smile.

Procedure for Porcelain Veneers

The procedure for dental veneers is completed in just two visits to your dentist’s office. Bring photos of smiles you admire to help your dentist understand the look you’re going for. In general, teeth look best when their shade matches the whites of your eyes. We can provide advice based on your facial structure and coloring, but you get the final say in the size and shade of your porcelain veneers.

Once a treatment plan has been put in place, your dentist prepares your teeth for their veneers. This process involves removing a bit of enamel from the surface of each tooth — just a few millimeters to make room for the veneers. An impression is taken and your veneers are created in a separate lab. You’ll come back for their final placement and your new smile reveal… it’s our favorite part!

Caring For Your New Veneers

Dental veneers can last for many years with proper care. Brush your teeth with the same non-abrasive toothpaste you’re already using on your natural teeth, and make sure you floss at least daily. While decay cannot form on dental porcelain, it’s important that you keep surrounding teeth and gums healthy. Visit your dentist as recommended for continued oral and dental health.

Speaking of dental appointments, you’ll have a follow-up visit scheduled soon after the placement of your veneers. Make sure you don’t skip this appointment! Your dentist will check to make sure everything looks right with your veneers, and that there aren’t any problems with the veneers and the gums. The follow-up visit is an important part of successful dental veneers.

Interested in cosmetic dentistry? Contact us to talk about your options today!

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