Pasadena, TX dentists give tips on easing dental fear

March 4, 2016

Filed under: General Dentistry — tntadmin @ 8:45 pm

Everybody is afraid of something. Experts say one in 5 American adults is so frightened at the prospect of going to the dentist that he or she avoids it altogether, much to the detriment of their oral and systemic health. What’s the solution? Read some tips to overcoming dental phobia from Pasadena, TX dentists, Dr. Kimber Holmes and Dr. Erica Revel.

Why dental phobia develops

LIke any fear, the reasons for it are many, complex and deep-seated. Some individuals hate dental appointments because they worry procedures will hurt, or they are afraid of needles or other dental instruments. Some individuals are embarrassed about their teeth and gums. Others still cannot deal with:

  • The sights, sounds and smells of dental office
  • Feelings of being closed in or out of control in the dental chair
  • Sitting still because of physical limitations
  • Problems such as a low pain threshold, sensitive gag reflex or feeling their airways will be blocked
  • Bad past experiences with another dentist
  • “Horror” stories from well-meaning friends and relatives

Overcoming the fear

Whatever the issue, rest assured the compassionate staff at Pasadena Family Dentistry understands. They have treated many patients with dental fears and have created a warm and welcoming atmosphere that ensures patient comfort. In fact, finding a cosmetic or family dentist that truly cares and is sensitive to the needs of her patients is the number one way to overcome fear.

Other tips for easing dental fear include:

  1. Visit your Pasadena, TX dental office first to meet the staff and doctors. This will give you a good feel for the physical layout of treatment rooms and of the personalities of the professionals responsible for your care.
  2. Tell the dentist how nervous you are, but don’t worry. She won’t think you are odd or weak. Again, dental anxiety is very common.
  3. Take a friend or loved one with you. There is strength in numbers.
  4. Ask about sedation options. Nitrous oxide and oral sedation relax patients so they can get the dental treatments they need.
  5. Take advantage of office amenities such as TV, music, and blankets. These things comfort and distract.
  6. Tell your Pasadena, TX dentist just how much or how little information your need about your dental work. More information helps relax some individuals while others do better with as little information as possible.
  7. Arrange a signal with Dr. Holmes or Dr. Revel that tells them you need a break during a cleaning or filling. This increases the feeling of control during treatment.

Are you ready to get dental care?

The most compassionate and expert dental care in the Pasadena, TX area comes from Drs. Revel and Holmes. Contact their friendly office staff to arrange an initial consultation. The entire team wants you to get the dental care you need without anxiety. A relaxed experience can be yours are Pasadena Family Dentistry!

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