Pasadena, TX teeth whitening brightens dull, dingy smiles

February 3, 2016

Filed under: Cosmetic Dentistry — tntadmin @ 10:38 pm

Time, food, and smoking change tooth color.  Pasadena, TX at-home teeth whitening from Dr. Kimber Holmes safely brightens smiles by several shades.

Are your teeth dark and stained, making you too self-conscious to smile and laugh in public? The

American Academy of Cosmetic Dentistry says that most adults desire whiter smiles. Professional teeth whitening from Dr. Kimber Holmes and Dr. Erica Revel at Pasadena Family Dentistry lifts out discolorations, revealing a new smile and a new you.

What is professional teeth whitening?

Professional teeth whitening from your Pasadena, TX cosmetic dentist applies dental grade hydrogen peroxide gel to tooth enamel stained by smoking, prescription drugs, dark foods and beverages and the aging process. The hydrogen peroxide bleaches organic matter caught in the mineral matrix known as tooth enamel.

Dentists deliver the bleaching gel during an in-office procedure, or as do Drs. Holmes and Revel, they offer convenient at-home whitening trays. Trays are custom-made to fit tightly over the patient’s top and bottom teeth.

Either way, smiles brighten dramatically by several shades of color. The in-office variety takes about an hour. The more gradual at-home version takes 1 to 4 weeks. The patient wears the gel-filled trays for a certain amount of time each day according to the doctor’s treatment instructions.

While many there are many over the counter teeth whitening products available today, none are as effective as professional teeth whitening from your Pasadena, TX dentist. Additionally, whitening supervised by a dentist is safer, avoiding the residual gum and tooth sensitivity common to drugstore whitening strips and trays.

Who can get teeth whitening?

Good candidates for teeth whitening have healthy teeth and gums and are free from extensive restorations such as fillings and crowns. If doctor and patient do plan restorative or cosmetic improvements, whitening should be done first. Then, the color of the new dental work can be made to match the whitened teeth.

In addition, people who practice thorough dental hygiene at home make good whitening candidates. After whitening, patients should limit staining foods and beverages (blueberries, red wine, cola, tea, coffee) and avoid tobacco use altogether.

A word of caution: women who are pregnant or breast-feeding should postpone Pasadena, TX teeth whitening. This applies to other elective dental treatments, too.

Maintaining whitened teeth

Professional teeth whitening lasts indefinitely when patients brush and floss regularly and get semi-annual cleanings and exams at Pasadena Family Dentistry. Occasional “touch-ups” help maintain that bright color, too.

Drs. Holmes and Revel also advise patients to limit their consumption of dark foods and beverages such as:

  • blueberries
  • curry
  • carrots
  • soy sauce
  • tomato sauce
  • colas
  • coffee
  • black tea
  • red wine

Find out more

Are you a candidate for professional teeth whitening? Find out during a smile analysis at Pasadena Family Dentistry. The doctors will evaluate your teeth and gums and make recommendations for your healthy, brighter smile. Contact the office today.

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